(Keywords: customize, add, thank you page, edit, update, email, after, registering, registration)
Learn how to personalize the 'Thank You' Page for your session in Afterschool HQ. By following these instructions, you can easily add a custom message to enhance the user experience and engagement.
Where to find and/or edit the 'Thank You' message that will be shown to parents after they complete the registration form:
Step 1. Login to your AHQ account.
Step 2. From your home dashboard hover over 'Activity Center' on the right-hand side of your screen and select 'Sessions'.
Step 3. Click on the 'Manage' button next to the corresponding activity.
Step 4. Click on the 'Content' tab to find the settings for the 'Email / Page Content'.
Step 5. From the 'Email / Page Content' page, the providers should find the 'Page Content' section by scrolling down and adding or editing the message that will appear on the 'Thank You' page at the end of registering.
We encourage you to include a message that expresses your gratitude for participants registering for your session or activity. You have the flexibility to modify the font style, adjust the text size, incorporate links, and add images as needed. Please ensure that your message remains within the 4000-character limit.
Step 6. Hit 'Save' when you're done.
Important details for providers to keep in mind when customizing your thank you page:
- Providers should be able to modify the message shown on the thank you page using a rich text editor.
- The changes made in the text editor should reflect on the thank you page upon registration completion.
- The editor should be blank by default.
- The provider should be able to remove the content on the thank you page by deleting the text in the text editor.
💡If you have any questions or experience any technical difficulties with Customizing the 'Thank You' Page for your Session, don't hesitate to get in touch with our support team at support@afterschoolhq.com.
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